MVI Transportation

Partnering together to mobilize Christian Leaders in reaching the nations, one heart at a time.

"Missionary Ventures International and the Christian Motorcyclists Association partner together to mobilize faithful Christian leaders"


Celebrating more than 30 years of ministry partnership, Missionary Ventures International (MVI) and the Christian Motorcyclists Association (CMA) work together to spread the gospel throughout the world. Every year hundreds of leaders are equipped with essential transportation, and thousands are reached with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Funds are provided through CMA's "Run for the Son" fundraiser. This annual fundraiser and subsequent generous donation to MVI make this program possible. Although motorcycles represent the bulk of our transportation ministry, it is not limited to them alone. The process works as affiliated contacts apply on behalf of national leaders. Each application is reviewed, vetted, and prayerful decisions are made. Once an application is approved, funds are wired to purchase the motorcycle in country. The impact of these motorcycles is tracked for a period of four years. Each recipient provides an annual report of how his or her ministry has been impacted. The exponential impact of mobilizing national leadership effectively cannot be over-stated!


Learn more about CMA: The Christian Motorcyclists Association was founded in 1975 with the vision of taking the Gospel to bikers, and God has been faithfully fulfilling that vision. Today, CMA is in 38 countries with 1,393 chapters chartered in the United States. CMA's "Run for the Son" started as an effort to provide just one motorcycle to a pastor in Guatemala. Today, CMA has been able to extend the open arms of Christ to millions of people around the world, through the fruits of Run for the Son. On the first Saturday of May, motorcyclists from all over the United States participate in the annual Run for the Son. Thousands of CMA members join forces to ask that individuals invest in Run for the Son. All of the funds go directly to evangelistic outreach.

Learn more about MVI: Missionary Ventures is intentional and passionate about discipleship, empowering leaders, equipping ministries, and spreading the good news of Jesus Christ to every nation. From a humble beginning in Guatemala, they have grown to impact more than 100 countries, empower thousands of leaders, and reach countless numbers of people. Since 1987 we have partnered with CMA in this program. We are eternally grateful to CMA for more than three decades of ministry partnership in providing motorcycles and other forms of transportation to deserving national pastors and church planters who have little to no form of reliable transportation of their own.

How It Works?

We primarily purchase motorcycles; however, bicycles, boats, and horses are also considered. We do not purchase trucks, cars, or other four-wheeled vehicles. Every year we prayerfully and strategically make decisions to maximize the impact of this program. Motorcycles are purchased in their country where they will be used. Typically, a missionary or other vetted contact will facilitate communication between our office and the end recipient.
1 Register

Sign up to participate in our program. Qualified participants are: members of MVI, members of CMA, or verifiable sources with a relationship to either MVI or CMA. Participants commit to serve as a contact between MVI and the National Leaders they work with.

2 Ministry

Contacts tell us about the national ministries they partner with. This is the first step to applying for a motorcycle. Qualified ministries are national churches, denominations, or other parachurch ministries.

3 Application

Program contacts can submit applications on behalf of a National Christian Leader or a national ministry. Motorcycles are intended to mobilize leaders in the work of the ministry. Once an application has been received, we will take it under prayerful consideration. You can expect an answer from us in 3-6 weeks.

4 Payment Method

When an application is approved, we ask the contact to indicate to our finance department where we should send funds. We can send a check to a US nonprofit organization or wire funds to foreign accounts.

5 Accountability

On receipt of funds, we expect contacts to complete the following actions:

  • Send us an email acknowledging receipt of the funds.
  • Work with the final recipient to purchase the motorcycle indicated on the application.
  • Upload a picture of the recipient with the bike after purchase (only the recipient and/or his immediate family please).
  • Upload a thank you letter from the recipient. The letter doesn’t need to be in English and handwritten is fine. In fact, this adds character and Google translator does a fair job in many languages.
6 Reporting

Once a year, for a total of three years, we ask for a report on the expanded ministry which resulted from the provision of the motorcycle. We ask for reports in February and expect them returned by the first of May.

All of these tasks are facilitated by our website. Just follow the instructions as you receive them.

What accountability looks like...

Thank you Letter

June 12, 2020
My beloved brothers in Christ of MVI Be my first words to first thank God and you for blessing our ministry with a transport that is very good to reach difficult places and preach the word of God.
In this time of so many illnesses we are a little behind in the places we preach, both in schools and prisons we cannot yet teach. But we are already starting in the churches. We are very ready to continue and expand our service with this new tool and we will keep you informed of the progress of the work through Brother Dan, who is a man very dedicated to missionary work in the D.R.
God bless you very much
In Christ
William R Gómez (Pastor)


Reliable transportation is life and ministry transforming for leaders and their families.